A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Add Resume to LinkedIn: Boost Your Profile!

LinkedIn is now acknowledged as making a significant impact in corporate circles. A robust LinkedIn profile is crucial for people desiring career progression. Don’t forget to learn how to add resume to LinkedIn profile so it can be most beneficial for you. You can check out our guide to learn how to create a compelling profile on LinkedIn.

Where is the Resume Section on LinkedIn?

To find the resume section on LinkedIn, go to the “Featured” part of your profile. There you might have added your resume. As per Passage_1, these are the steps for reaching and using this area in an efficient manner:

Step 1: Start the LinkedIn app on your device and go to your profile page.

Step 2: Find the ‘More’ icon in the upper part of your profile editing area, and press it for more selections to come up.

Step 3: Tap on the menu that drops down and choose ‘Build a resume’. This place provides you with two choices, either to upload a resume you already have or make fresh one using your LinkedIn profile details.

Step 4: Select or create your resume, then add it to the “Featured” section of your profile. This place is made for emphasizing essential items like resumes so viewers can see them without difficulty.

With these steps, you can manage and display your resume on LinkedIn. This will help you present it to potential employers and connections easily.

Understanding LinkedIn Resume Features:

LinkedIn offers several features that help individuals display their resumes on their profiles. These tools allow you to present a concise overview of your professional experience to those recruiting or looking for candidates. Here are some methods for using LinkedIn resume features to boost your profile:

How to Add Resume to LinkedIn

Image source: Jobscan
How to add resume to LinkedIn

To present your resume to possible companies, you can easily link it with a LinkedIn profile. These are simple steps you may follow:

  • Step 1: Access your profile by logging into your LinkedIn account.
  • Step 2: Next, select “Featured” from the options shown when you tap on the button that says “Add profile section”.
  • Step 3: To create a fresh post, you must press the “+” symbol. Then choose “Document” to upload your resume.
  • Step 4: After that, choose the resume document located on your computer and click “Open” to include it in your LinkedIn profile.
  • Step 5: Name your resume file and explain the reason for that name so others can understand what they are looking at.
  • Step 6: Click “Save” to publish your resume to your LinkedIn profile.

Using LinkedIn’s Resume Builder Tool 

Image source: LinkedIn
  1. Access the resume builder tool on LinkedIn

LinkedIn provides a feature called the “Resume Builder” which can be used to create or modify your resume directly within the platform. You may find this tool in the “More” section of your profile. 

  1. Choose a template for your LinkedIn resume

Once you have opened the Resume Builder, select from various templates available to serve as a starting point for crafting your document. 

  1. Add sections and information to your resume

Now, it’s time to fill in the details about yourself by including sections such as Experience, Skills, Education and more – all this can be done with just one click! 

  1. Edit and format your resume

After you have entered all the needed information, adjust how each section appears by modifying text size or style along with many other formatting options. You can also utilize the ‘Preview’ button to see exactly how it will appear when printed out. 

  1. Match keywords with job descriptions

The Resume Builder has an interesting feature that helps job seekers enhance their resumes. It shows what keywords are frequently found in certain job descriptions and offers suggestions on adding them to applicants’ documents. 

  1. Use Job Scan’s comparison tool

This is another valuable function of LinkedIn Resume Builder. Once you finish making changes to your document, you can use Jobscan’s comparison tool right away without needing any extra steps! 

  1. Update your LinkedIn profile with new changes made on Resume Builder

Any alterations applied using the “Resume Builder” will not automatically reflect in corresponding LinkedIn profiles; therefore remember to update both areas separately so they stay consistent! 

  1. Save and share the PDF version of the final resume from Resume Builder

When everything is complete within “Resume Builder”, do not forget to save the last version as a PDF file – this way it keeps perfect formatting no matter where email or upload gets sent off too!

Updating Your Resume on LinkedIn

It is extremely important to update your resume on LinkedIn often so that it always shows the most recent work experiences and achievements. If you’re targeting specific industries in your experience section, our guide LinkedIn’s Industry: A Comprehensive Guide For B2B Professionals provides valuable insights on tailoring your profile for different sectors. These actions will assist you greatly in updating your LinkedIn resume:

Image source: Help Desk Geek
  • Step 1: Launch the LinkedIn application and head to the “Featured” part in your profile, where you have added your resume.
  • Step 2: Click on the icon for editing, it is located next to your resume post. You can now make changes or updates.
  • Step 3: Replace the existing resume file with the updated version from your computer.
  • Step 4: Look over the title and explanation of your resume post.
  • Step 5: Click “Save” to publish the updated resume to your LinkedIn profile.

How to Add LinkedIn to Your Resume

Adding your LinkedIn profile to the resume can give recruiters more details about your career path and professional interests. Here are steps to include this platform in making or refreshing a resume:

Step 1: Update and Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Before adding your LinkedIn profile link to the resume, make sure you have updated it with necessary details like your current job role, education, and skills. Also, ensure that privacy settings allow others to view complete profiles. 

Step 2: Decide Placement of the LinkedIn Link in the Resume

Consider where the link will fit best within the overall design of your resume. You may include it along with other contact information such as email address or phone number. 

Step 3: Create an Attractive Custom URL for Your Profile

A custom URL makes it easier for others to find you on LinkedIn. Under the “Contact Info” section in the “Edit Public Profile & URL” setting, select a unique web address name that reflects your professional identity. 

Step 4: Format Your LinkedIn Link Appropriately

To make sure the link is seen clearly, format it correctly using hyperlinks in digital versions or typing out the full web address in printed resumes. 

  • Step 1: Select a place for your LinkedIn profile URL on the resume, usually it is put in the header or contact details part.
  • Step 2: Change the LinkedIn profile URL to a Clickable Hyperlink

[Your Name](www.linkedin.com/in/yourname)

Copy this link and paste it into the “Website” field in your LinkedIn profile. It will become clickable once you save your changes.

  • Step 3: Make your LinkedIn profile URL available and visible on the resume.
  • Step 4: Testing the hyperlink to ensure it works and sends recruiters to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Step 5: Alter the template of your curriculum vitae to include the link for your LinkedIn profile, after which you should keep this file for future necessity.

Best Practices for Maximizing Your LinkedIn Resume

You must not only add a document for your LinkedIn resume; it is important to be strategic and give much attention to the small things. Image source: LinkedInApply these practices to make the most of your LinkedIn resume:

  • Incorporate industry-specific keywords and phrases to improve searchability and relevance.
  • Highlight your key achievements, skills, and qualifications to capture recruiters’ attention.
  • Use concise and compelling language to convey your professional story effectively.
  • Regularly update your LinkedIn profile and resume to reflect your latest accomplishments and experiences.
  • Utilize the features for networking and looking for jobs on LinkedIn to create connections with experts in the field you want to work in and investigate different career options.


Now that you are fully aware on how to add a resume to LinkedIn, remember; adding your resume to LinkedIn is a strategic plan because it can greatly improve your professional presence and trustworthiness. If you use the systematic procedure we have explained in this article, along with the best methods for optimizing a resume on LinkedIn, you will be able to get noticed by recruiters, increase connections in your network, and open up fresh chances for career advancement. Give importance to perfecting your LinkedIn profile and resume, then observe how it impacts increasing opportunities in the tough job market. Remember:

  • Show Off Your Skills: Use your LinkedIn profile to display your main abilities, achievements, and experiences. This will help you demonstrate expertise and catch the attention of recruiters or those hiring for jobs.
  • Grow Your Connections: Use LinkedIn’s networking tools to link with professionals from your industry, become part of appropriate groups, and widen your network for possible job chances.
  • Be Active and Engage: Share worthwhile content, take part in discussions about your industry, and join LinkedIn events to show enthusiasm for your area of work.
  • Get Recommendations and Endorsements: Ask your workmates, mentors, and clients to provide recommendations or endorsements for you. These will give more trustworthiness and confirmation to your professional profile.
  • Always update your LinkedIn profile and CV with new achievements, certifications, or projects. It lets the people who hire see the most current professional information about you.

Do you want to know more on LinkedIn Outreach? Check out our latest article on LinkedIn Outreach: Strategies And Tools For Effective Engagement. By using these approaches and staying active on your LinkedIn profile, you can present yourself as a significant candidate in your area of expertise. Doing this might raise the chances that you succeed in the current job market full of competition.

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